Source code for itertree.itree_filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This code is taken from the itertree package:
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Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
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This part of code contains the iTree filter classes

we use here lambda to create a method which is feed with an item and delivers then True/False depending on
the given condition so that it can be used in filter iterators


from __future__ import absolute_import
import contextlib
import fnmatch
from operator import or_, and_

    import numpy as np
except ImportError:
    np = None

import itertools
from .itree_mathsets import *

OR = or_
AND = and_

from numbers import Number

[docs]def iter_items_over_filter_method(filter_method, item_iter): """ helper function that delivers an iterator of True/False based on given filter_method and the item iterator given :param filter_method: Item filter method :param item_iter: iterable where each item should be checked against the filter :return: iterator of True/False objects matches to filter or not """ for item in item_iter: yield filter_method(item)
# predefined filter methods
[docs]class has_item_flags(): """ Check the iTree flags for match to the given flag mask :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :param flag_mask: flag mask E.g. can be build like: iTFLAG.READ_ONLY_TREE|iTFLAG.READ_ONLY_VALUE :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ def __init__(self, flag_mask, invert=False): self._flag_mask = flag_mask self._invert = invert def __call__(self, item): return ( (not bool(item.flags & self._flag_mask)) if self._invert else bool(item.flags & self._flag_mask) )
[docs]class is_item_tag(): """ Check the iTree tag is equal to the given target_tag :param target_tag: tag string do not give Tag() objects here! Use Tag().tag if really required :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_tag,invert=False): """ :param target_tag: tag string do not give Tag() objects here! Use Tag().tag if really required :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_tag = target_tag self._invert=invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ return item.tag != self._target_tag if self._invert else item.tag == self._target_tag
[docs]class has_item_tag_fnmatch(): """ Check the iTree tag is matching to given fnmatch match_pattern :param match_pattern: str or bytes related to fnmatch pattern definitions """ def __init__(self, tag_match_pattern, invert=False): """ :param tag_match_pattern: str or bytes related to fnmatch pattern definitions """ self._tag_match_pattern = tag_match_pattern self._tag_match_pattern_type = type(tag_match_pattern) self._invert = invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ tag = item.tag result=self._tag_match_pattern_type == type(tag) and fnmatch.fnmatch(tag, self._tag_match_pattern) return ( not result if self._invert else result )
[docs]class has_item_value(): """ Check the iTree value is equal to given value :param target_value: value object that should be equal with iTree.value :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_value,invert=False): """ :param target_value: value object that should be equal with iTree.value :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_value = target_value self._invert=invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ target_value=self._target_value if np is not None and type(item.value) is np.ndarray: try: if item.value.shape != target_value.shape: return self._invert except AttributeError: # no numpy array to compare with return self._invert result = any(np.equal(item.value, target_value)) return ( not result if self._invert else result) return item.value != target_value if self._invert else item.value == target_value
[docs]class has_item_value_dict_value(): """ Check if in case the iTree value is a dict a value in the dict is equal to given value :param target_value: value object that should be equal with iTree.value :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_value,invert=False): """ :param target_value: value object that should be equal with iTree.value :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_value = target_value self._invert=invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): if self._target_value in list(item.value.values()): return not self._invert return self._invert
[docs]class has_item_value_list_value(): """ Check if in case the iTree value is a list a value in the list is equal to given value :param target_value: value object that should be equal with iTree.value :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_value,invert=False): """ :param target_value: value object that should be equal with iTree.value :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_value = target_value self._invert=invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): if self._target_value in list(item.value): return not self._invert return self._invert
[docs]class has_item_value_fnmatch(): """ Check if value matches to the given fnmatch pattern :param target_value_pattern: str or bytes related to fnmatch pattern definitions :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_value_pattern,invert=False): """ :param target_value_pattern: str or bytes related to fnmatch pattern definitions :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_value_pattern = target_value_pattern self._target_value_pattern_type = type(target_value_pattern) self._invert=invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ e_value = item.value if type(e_value) == type(self._target_value_pattern) and fnmatch.fnmatch(e_value, self._target_value_pattern): return not self._invert return self._invert
[docs]class has_item_value_dict_value_fnmatch(): """ Check if in case the iTree value is a dict a value in the dict matches to the given pattern :param target_value_pattern: str or bytes related to fnmatch pattern definitions :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_value_pattern,invert=False): """ :param target_value_pattern: str or bytes related to fnmatch pattern definitions :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_value_pattern = target_value_pattern self._target_value_pattern_type = type(target_value_pattern) self._invert=invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ e_value = item.value t = self._target_value_pattern_type pattern=self._target_value_pattern with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): for v in e_value.values(): # dict like value if type(v) == t and fnmatch.fnmatch(v, pattern): return not self._invert return self._invert
[docs]class has_item_value_list_item_fnmatch(): """ Check if in case the iTree value is a list a value in the list matches to the given pattern :param target_value_pattern: str or bytes related to fnmatch pattern definitions :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_value_pattern,invert=False): """ :param target_value_pattern: str or bytes related to fnmatch pattern definitions :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_value_pattern = target_value_pattern self._target_value_pattern_type = type(target_value_pattern) self._invert=invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ e_value = item.value t = self._target_value_pattern_type pattern=self._target_value_pattern with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): for v in e_value: # list like value if type(v) == t and fnmatch.fnmatch(v, pattern): return not self._invert return self._invert
[docs]class is_item_value_in(): """ Check if iTree value is in the given iTInterval object, no numeric values will be ignored :param target_key_interval: msetInterval object defining the range (any object that supports "in" can be used) :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_value_interval,invert=False): """ :param target_key_interval: msetInterval object defining the range (any object that supports "in" can be used) :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_value_interval = target_value_interval self._invert=invert def __call__(self,item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ e_value = item.value if isinstance(e_value, Number) and e_value in self._target_value_interval: return not self._invert return self._invert
[docs]class has_item_value_dict_value_in(): """ Check if in case the iTree value is a dict a value in the dict is in the given iTInterval object, no numeric values will be ignored :param target_key_interval: msetInterval object defining the range (any object that supports "in" can be used) :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_value_interval,invert=False): """ :param target_key_interval: msetInterval object defining the range (any object that supports "in" can be used) :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_value_interval = target_value_interval self._invert=invert def __call__(self,item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): for v in item.value.values(): # dict like value if isinstance(v, Number) and v in self._target_value_interval: return not self._invert return self._invert
[docs]class has_item_value_list_item_in( ): """ Check if in case the iTree value is a list a value in the list is in the given iTInterval object, non numeric values will be ignored :param target_key_interval: msetInterval object defining the range (any object that supports "in" can be used) :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_value_interval,invert=False): """ :param target_key_interval: msetInterval object defining the range (any object that supports "in" can be used) :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_value_interval = target_value_interval self._invert=invert def __call__(self,item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ with contextlib.suppress(TypeError, AttributeError): for v in item.value: # list like value if isinstance(v, Number) and v in self._target_value_interval: return not self._invert return self._invert
[docs]class has_item_value_dict_key(): """ Check if in case the iTree value is a dict a key in the dict is equal with the given target_key no numeric values will be ignored :param target_key: dict key """ def __init__(self, target_key, invert=False): """ :param target_key: dict key we will search in item.value dict """ self._target_key = target_key self._invert = invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): return ( self._target_key not in item.value if self._invert else self._target_key in item.value ) return self._invert
[docs]class has_item_value_list_idx(): """ Check if in case the iTree value is a list the given target_key is lower than list length (inside) no numeric values will be ignored :param target_idx: target-index :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_idx,invert=False): """ :param target_idx: target-index :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_idx = target_idx self._invert=invert def __call__(self,item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): if hasattr(item.value, 'index') and item.value[self._target_idx]: return not self._invert return self._invert
[docs]class has_item_value_dict_key_fnmatch(): """ Check if in case the iTree value is a dict a key in the dict matches to the given key pattern (fnmatch) no numeric values will be ignored :param target_key_pattern: str or bytes related to fnmatch pattern definitions :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_key_pattern,invert=False): """ :param target_key_pattern: str or bytes related to fnmatch pattern definitions :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_key_pattern = target_key_pattern self._target_key_pattern_type = type(target_key_pattern) self._invert=invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ e_value = item.value t = self._target_key_pattern_type pattern = self._target_key_pattern with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): for k in e_value.keys(): # dict like value if type(k) == t and fnmatch.fnmatch(k, pattern): return not self._invert return self._invert
[docs]class has_item_value_dict_key_in(): """ Check if in case the iTree value is a dict a key in the dict is in the given iTInterval object range no numeric values will be ignored :param target_key_interval: msetInterval object defining the range (any object that supports "in" can be used) :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ def __init__(self, target_key_interval,invert=False): """ :param target_key_interval: msetInterval object defining the range (any object that supports "in" can be used) :param invert: * False (default) -> unchanged result * True -> invert the result True->False; False->True """ self._target_key_interval = target_key_interval self._invert=invert def __call__(self, item): """ :param item: `iTree`-item to be checked against the criteria of the method (for filtering out or not) :rtype: bool :return: * True -> match * False -> no match """ with contextlib.suppress(Exception): for k in item.value.keys(): # dict like value if isinstance(k, Number) and k in self._target_key_interval: return not self._invert return self._invert