
Version 0.7.3

Bugfixes in repr() and render()

Extended examples

Still Beta SW -> but release canditate!

Version 0.7.2

Improved Interval class (dynamic limits in all levels)

Adapted some tests and the documentation

Still Beta SW -> but release canditate!

Version 0.7.1

Bigger bugfix on 0.7.0 which was really not well tested!

Still Beta SW -> but release canditate!

Version 0.7.0

Recursive functions are rewritten to use an iterative approche (recursion limit exception should be avoided)

Access to the deeper structures improved (find_all, new get_deep() and max_depth_down() method.

New iTree classes for Linked, Temporary or ReadOnly items

performance improved again

Examples regarding data models added

Still Beta SW -> but release canditate!

Version 0.6.0

Improved interface and performance

Documentation is setup

Testing is improved

Examples still missing

Beta SW!

Version 0.5.0

First released version

Contains just the base functionalities of itertree. Interface is is fnished by 80%

Documantion and examples are missing

testing is not finshed yet.

Beta SW!