Background information about itertree

The itertree package is originaly developed to be used in an internal test-system configuration and measurement environment. In this environment we must handle a huge number of parameters and attributes which are configured via a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The connection of the data and the GUI (editor) is realized via the coupled_object function we have in iTree.

The created configuration can be interpreted by test-systems and can be stored in version control systems.

But the idea of tree based configuration is nothing exceptionally new. The itertree package is a new approach to get a very performant solution for these proposes even when the trees are very huge (many attributes in deep hierachies).

In our case the package is also used in embedded environments and for this a pure python implementation helps to prevent us from different type of cross compilations for our targets. The package runs on any python 3.x interpreter.

To find the best solution we made a lot of testing (check of the already available packages) and we checked other implementation alternatives (like sorted or ordered dicts) but we came to the conclusion that it makes sense to develop an own, new package to match all our requirements.

Based on the tests we created an architecture based on a list (blist) and a parallel managed dict that contains the tag families again as lists (blist).

The iTree objects is build on these three base elements:

  • iTree (list) -> main list of items

  • _map (dict) -> dict containing the family list (key is tag)

  • _data (iTData) -> data object that stores all the data attributes related to the iTree item

Beside this struture the parent iTree object is stored in the iTree object by this we create the hierachy. An iTree object can only have one parent! When you feed an iTree object during instanciation as subtree parameter then the iTree objects childrens will be copied and taken over in the new iTree. The extend function has the same behavior.

A free to use couple_object can be used to combine an iTree object with any other python object (e.g. an object in a hyphertree GUI element).

The profiling of the package done by running over 100000 base operations gives the following result based on blist:

Running on itertree version: 0.6.1
100003    0.161    0.000    0.342    0.000
100000    0.044    0.000    0.059    0.000
100000    0.090    0.000    0.383    0.000
100000    0.239    0.000    0.258    0.000
100000    0.269    0.000    0.286    0.000
100000    0.160    0.000    0.891    0.000
1         0.154    0.154    0.977    0.977
100000    0.067    0.000    0.089    0.000

We can see that creating copies is the most time consuming operation and it is the reason why the one extend() operation takes so long. Running the same profiling actions without blist package (using normal list) we get:

100003    0.161    0.000    0.320    0.000
100000    0.052    0.000    0.060    0.000
100000    0.094    0.000    1.266    0.000
100000    0.140    0.000    0.161    0.000
100000    0.228    0.000    1.895    0.000
100000    0.129    0.000    0.701    0.000
1         0.149    0.149    0.914    0.914
100000    0.082    0.000    0.097    0.000

Especially the index based searches in the lists are take much longer. And especially the insert() take exceptionally much longer but one may see this as a corner case only because the filling of a huge tree will normally always be done by appending or even better by extending elements. Inserting a single item is absolutly no issue! Please consider we talk here about a very huge number of insert() operations (100000). Same arguments can be made for the __delitem__() operation nobody will delete all the items step by step it’s much easier to delete or clear the parent instead.

We can summarize: Except from the told corner cases the itertree package runs with the same speed (sometimes a bit faster) even that the blist package is not installed.

Special iTree objects

In an iitertree person might need temporary items or they like to combine the tree from diffrent sources (files). Or they lie to protect specific items from writing (rad only). For this proposes we can integrate special iTree obejcts in the itertree.

Besides the normal iTree object we have three other types of iTree objects avaiable:

  • iTreeLink - Link to another iTree file/key so that an itertree can be created from different source files (The children and sub children of these linked objects are read only)

  • iTreeReadOnly - An read_only object that allows no changes in the iTree structure (properties (liek data or coupled_object) can be changed)

  • iTreeTemporary - a temporary iTree item (These items behave like normal iTree items except that they are not stored in a file. If dump() is called these items are filtered out.

For data protection a iTDataReadOnly class is available too

Iterators and filters

An investigation in other packages showed that search algorythms for specific items are sometimes very slow. Even xml.ElementTree which shows normally a very good performance is not very fast when using the find_all() method. Beside this the string based xpath syntax is sometimes also a bit unclear.

In itertree we have the possibility to define filter function over all the iterators delivered by the iter_children(), iter_all() or find() and find_all(). All these methods contain a item_filter parameter where the user can give a filter method.

The filter method is feeded by the item and must deliver a True/False after the analysis of the item is done.

The itertree package contains predefined filters in the file and they can be reached via Filter.iTFilter**** in the code.

Because we are using iterators the filtering is very effective. The filters can be combined and so the user can create queries like in a database to catch all informations out of the tree and selected the matching items.

The resulting iterator is delivered very quick totally indepent from the tree size. After all filtering is combined the iterator can be consumed and in maximum we will iterate only one time over the whole tree.

File storage and serializing

At the moment we serialize to JSON and the speed (with orjson module) is comparable with pickle. But we see that there is still room for improvements and we might get quicker results in the future. Also we might consider other output formats like MessagePack.

Anyway we allow already the packing and hashing of the data before we store it onto a file. Packing helps to keep the files small but the cost of calculation time must be cosnidered and sometimes it’s better to use the unpacked files and combine same into an archive afterwards (indepent from itertree). Therefore all these options (packing, hashing) are optional and can switch off if required.

Data Structure and Data Models

The data structure is not ordered it behaves like a normal dict (We did not see a reason to create a second ordered structure. If the user needs this he can add any type of obejct into the data structure (e.g. also OrderedDicts). But to be honest in this case it migth be better to create a deeper iTree containing all the items of the ordered dict In an iTree branch.

To create a better usability the data structure can be feeded directly with only one data obejcts or the user can store multile objects by giving key,value pairs. Internally the iTData Object is an manipulated dictionary.

The itertree package contains a concept for data models for the attributes stored in the data structure of the iTree. By this the user can determine what kind of data can be stored in a specific attribute. The iTDataModol is just a basic structure which can be used to create more advanced models. You might have a look in the examples/ file to get a better idea.

In general the data model allows to define the target data type but furthermore also the dimensoion, the range, etc. Also the formatting of the data when casted into a string can be defined. E.g.: * We can define an integer in the range 0-255, a 1 dimensional array (list) of maximum length 8. And we like to have a hex representaion when converted into a string; All this can be defiend in the data model). * We define a float value in the range in between -250 and 250 and we like to have a string representation of maximum 3 digits and added by a unit string “V” (“%.3f V”).

If a data model is stored in the data structure we can put only values into the related attribute that are matching to the model. If not the set command will raise an TypeError exception.